
Profession Blogs: Walt Disney World

I'm posting about Disney World today! ...and not just because I'm going on Saturday and I CAN'T WAIT ONE MORE SECOND. I titled this as a profession blog because I DO want to work there, but I didn't really go into specifics here. This is just a little on why I like the park.

I've been to Disney three times, and each time I've been a little more crazy about it. Not crazy in the I-have-all-these-Disney-movies crazy; I didn't really even watch the Princess movies growing up. I think I could see Aladdin, Mulan, and The Little Mermaid II. (My parents didn't want me to have body image issues later on, they say.) What I love is the theme park. It takes a real observer to notice it (and if anything, I am an observer), but Walt Disney World is so detailed. You can see something new every time you visit if you look closely enough.

The ride queues are so intricate and have so many hidden gems in them. There are Mickeys paved in the roads. Each cast member (employee) at the park has a role to fill, a way to act and dress based on where they're located in the park. Disney focuses on the little things rather than the overall experience, and it can make a huge different on a guest's experience. And I think the way all the tiny gears come together and make something wonderful is a really incredible thing.

Have you been to Disney World? Did you like it? Tell me why!


  1. Personally, I have never been to any of the Disney Theme parks. But the way you describe Disney World, I would love to go there in the near futute!

  2. I've never been to Disney World, but it sounds really fun. A friend mine is actually trying to get a small group together to go this summer, and she really wants me to go to experience the awesomeness. I can't wait, but I have to say I would really love to go to Universal Studios for the Harry Potter world!

  3. I have only been to Disney once but it was amazing and i have to agree with you on the rides part.
