
Doc3 (WEE!)

Doc3 has been really hard for me. After I did the Mind Map, instead of starting on it right away, like I usually do with assignments, I had to put if off because I was simply too busy to worry about it. It was tech week before opening night of Annie at Theatre Macon, which meant I was in three-to-four hour rehearsals every night, and then I had my college visit to Nashville, and I could make excuse after excuse as to why I was too busy. I looked up and it was the 15th and I had no draft! I have to say, the most important part of college seems to be time management. Guess who's really bad at time management? Yeah. So that's probably been the hardest part of writing it, not the actual content. Like I said, I've had an outline since the beginning. However, I have no idea how I'm going to turn that outline into a paper and find academic sources (for The Muppets. Yeah. It's a challenge.) in like two days?? I know I'll get it done, I always do. God, I can't wait for break next week.

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