
Aaaaaaaaand Another Post About the Uncertainty of My Future

I did go to Nashville last weekend to see Belmont University. I've also toured Mercer (not going there though) and Georgia College & State in Milledgeville.

So the question is, will I go to a school 45 minutes away from my house, or 6 hours? Six hours seems like a long time when you're in the car. What if I hate college? If we're being honest, I'm a total baby. I cry so much. And I don't really think it's that bad, I just have a lot of feeling and it comes out in tears. I mean, sometimes I cry when I watch a really good movie, or think about how amazing it is that we are specks of dust in the universe who know how to love. But what if my roommate doesn't get that and just hates me? What if I can't live without my mom?

Belmont is definitely a better school. It's also more expensive. And it has a BFA program, but... I don't know, there are a lot of rich white kids there. And I wouldn't know anyone is Nashville. And getting my degree in four years would take a lot of work. Plus, I don't know if they credit internships there, like the Disney College Program, an experience I'm obsessed with having.

The fact is that Belmont would be way more of a risk than GCSU would, and it scares me. I don't know whether to do the safe thing or choose a potentially scary choice. Being a senior isn't as laid back as I thought is was going to be. It's okay. I'll figure it out.

I feel like a lot of my posts end with "I'll figure it out", because that's the place I'm at in my life, where I'm constantly figuring it out, so I 'll end on something different today. Pancakes. There ya go.

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